"The next newsletter will be the one you’ve been waiting for." 😱😱😱

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is that ArcticKayla from lctwt 🫵😨

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hi arctic kayla from twitter

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Sigh, hi Kayla

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no way it's arctickayla from lc!twt

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hi miss to tundra

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hello arctickayla

also mrs*

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hi any arctickayla followrrs

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no way its antarctickayla

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Lc7 will either improve or ruin my life but I'm ready for either

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Hello Imbored572_ from Twitter

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Hello v from Twitter

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Hello I’m bored and v from twitter

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I absolutely loved reading David Marples's essay! It's wonderful that you're hosting that kind of writing on your website

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me just now finding out they've played reading and leeds 3 times has blown my mind

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I’m going to the show in DC. I would get the Sick Scenes (and any other vinyls/cds there) but I don’t want to hold them through the show. Will there be enough for there to still be vinyls in stock at the end of the show?

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Exciting stuff!!

Any chance you'd ever consider reprinting the RIB shirt in the maroon colour? I'd love to have that shirt again, lost it in an old house move.

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lc!7 being announced soon is so fuckin hype. also if you guys are gonna try get more albums repressed, please go for hon,y remastered first, the prices are so inflated it's ungodly

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“The next newsletter will be the one you’ve been waiting for.” YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME.

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hi elliott sargent

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ArcticKayla will I ever be rid of you

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no 💜

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ArcticKayla are there any crimes you wish to confess to

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no i didnt even make the threats i was just reporting thierry

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I’ll let it slide. But for the love of God, don’t rely on Substack to cure your crippling loneliness. Just listen to Los Campesinos! forever until it improves (you’ll be listening for a long time).

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